11 Tips on How to Prepare for Nursing School

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Wondering how to prepare for nursing school? Before starting nursing school, you must determine your finances, purchase the necessary supplies, get immunizations and develop strong organizational and time management skills. Be prepared to treat nursing school like a full-time job and lean on your support system for help.

nurse working on tablet

Starting nursing school can be thrilling and nerve-wracking at the same time, but with the proper preparation, you can begin your nursing school journey with ease.

If you’re changing careers or already have some completed college credits, consider leveraging your academic experience to earn your Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree in as few as 16 months. At Utica University, our Accelerated Bachelor of Science in Nursing (ABSN) program offers multiple start dates each year and a blended curriculum, allowing our students to expedite their education.

While you can finish your degree quickly, make no mistake: Nursing school will be a challenge. But when you properly prepare for nursing school, you can set yourself up for success. To help you embark on this journey, here are 11 nursing school tips to follow.

1. Starting Nursing School Requires Organization

Nursing school is no easy feat, especially when you compress your nursing education into a 16-month time frame. Before admission into our Accelerated B.S. in Nursing program, create the habit of following an organizational routine that works best for you. This can make the transition from preparing for nursing school to starting it more seamless.

Begin by planning portions of your time to study for your degree requirement courses, spend time with family, eat, exercise and finish other tasks. Observe which times work best for you to study and make time for breaks. Also, find a comfortable place to study where all your materials are available so you can focus.

close up of nursing student practicing lab skills

In addition to organizing your time while working on nursing school prep, you must keep all your assignments and exams straight. One of the most efficient ways to do this is by looking at your syllabi before your classes begin. You’ll be able to see all your assignment due dates and exam dates beforehand so you can note them in a planner or calendar. Once you do this, you’ll only have to make minor adjustments as the semester progresses, but for the most part, you’ll have a clear picture of exactly what you can expect to study on a week-to-week basis.

nurse looking at laptop

Wondering how to choose a nursing program? Take these four steps to find the right nursing program for you.

2. Treat the ABSN Program Like a Full-Time Job

Because this ABSN program is rigorous and fast-paced, it is best to view it as a full-time job. Our most successful ABSN students are dedicated, self-motivated and excited to learn. They understand how to manage a busy schedule and can think critically on their feet, especially during their clinical rotations.

Another reason you must treat the program like your full-time job is because it will require roughly 40 to 60 hours of work per week. You’ll dedicate most of your time toward schoolwork, so we advise that you don’t try to hold down a job while in the program. If you instead focus on your achievements while in the program, you’ll likely be able to enter the workforce as an RN sooner.

3. Refine Your Study Skills

Nursing school prep also necessitates working on your study skills. Refining your study skills will be essential to navigating nursing school. Knowing how you learn best and implementing various study strategies will be incredibly helpful.

Nursing school will be different from your previous educational experiences. Many students are often surprised at the level of rigor they experience in their classes during the program. After all, you will be taking on a degree path that has traditionally been 4 years over the course of just 16 months. This means you will have to refine not only your study skills but also your study habits. Setting aside time to study daily will ensure you don’t have to cram before exams—something any nursing student will tell you to avoid.

two nursing students studying at table

4. Get to Know Your Cohort

Another tip is to make the most of orientation day, during which you’ll get to know the classmates in your cohort. These students will be by your side throughout your 16-month journey, and just like you, they share your nerves, fears and goals for nursing school success. Most importantly, they are the people you can lean on for support when the going gets tough, so make sure you communicate with them – you might even form connections and develop close friendships.

In addition to being great friends, the members of your cohort can make great resources and study buddies. Be sure to set up a study group with several of your peers early on so you can start forming those relationships.

5. Lean on Your Support System

Having a solid support system throughout your nursing school journey plays a critical role in your ability to succeed. Your family and friends must understand that you are committed to a full-time, 16-month nursing program.

Consider meeting with your family and friends to discuss your expectations for nursing school and inform them of your demanding schedule so they know when you require time to focus. Based on your schedule, delegate household duties to your spouse, roommate(s) or older children and contribute when possible.

Learn how to apply to nursing school here and follow these seven application tips for the best chance for admission.

nurse sitting in interview with resume

6. Utilize the Resources Provided

Throughout your time spent in our ABSN program, you will experience a strong culture of support. You’ll also work with an academic success coach, who will be by your side to keep you going strong throughout your online nursing classes, hands-on skills labs and nursing clinicals.

Along with your success coach, you will have dedicated clinical instructors. If you’re having trouble understanding something, schedule one-on-one time with them and ask questions as needed to avoid falling behind. Instructors appreciate ABSN students who go above and beyond to improve their understanding of a nursing topic.

7. Plan Your Finances

Nursing school is a significant undertaking, both personally and financially. Another step in learning how to prepare for nursing school is to get your financial plan in place before you begin. In the fall, figure out how you will pay for school and complete your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). The FAFSA must be completed and submitted each year you’re in school.

It would be wise to set as many bills as possible on autopay. This way, you won’t have to consider them during nursing school. Make a budget, allocating money for your rent or mortgage, groceries, leisure, childcare and insurance. Once you know how to designate your finances and pay for loans, this can all run on autopilot while you work through the nursing program.

smiling nursing student

If you have questions about tuition or finances at Utica University’s ABSN program, reach out to our admission representatives. We will help guide you to resources to create a personalized plan that works for you.

8. Preparing for Nursing School by Purchasing Supplies

While you are preparing for nursing school, now is an excellent time to shop around for the necessary nursing school supplies, including:

  • Stethoscope
  • Penlight
  • Supportive shoes for clinical rotations
  • Lab coat
  • School-branded scrubs
  • Compression socks
  • Nursing scissors
  • Textbooks or computer equipment needed for classes

9. Establish a Healthy Balance

While you need to dedicate much of your time to your schoolwork, it’s also essential to participate in activities outside of nursing school. Taking care of yourself mentally and physically and nurturing your relationships is as important as your success in nursing school.

Getting into the habit of creating balance in your life will also serve you well in your career. Many nurses pour their hearts and souls into their work. However, maintaining a healthy work-life balance will help to stave off burnout. Caring for your health also sets an excellent example for your patients.

10. Get Immunized

smiling Utica University nursing student

For nursing students to obtain access to healthcare organizations and safely care for patients during clinicals, it’s vital to ensure they are adequately vaccinated against various pathogens.

Ask the admission representative at your school for a list of required vaccinations and schedule an appointment to complete them before you begin classes. Finishing this step ahead will mean you’ll have one less task on your to-do list, giving you more space to focus once school starts.

11. Stop Waiting

Pursuing nursing as a second career is a significant decision. Now that you know how to prepare for nursing school, it’s time to implement it and pursue your passion for a nursing career. The sooner you get started, the sooner you can begin to work with actual patients, helping them recover and heal from injuries and illnesses. Nursing can be a gratifying line of work, and the career possibilities are practically limitless. What are you waiting for?

Become a Nursing Student at Utica University

Utica University is a leading choice for future nurses navigating a career change. We provide exceptional support throughout both the program and the admission process. When you contact our ABSN program, you’ll work with a dedicated admission representative to create a personalized plan. While enrolled, you’ll also work one-on-one with an Academic Success Coach who can help you with everything from stress management to studying techniques.

Join the exceptionally supportive learning community at Utica University and begin your journey toward becoming a registered nurse. Contact us today and graduate with a nursing BSN in as few as 16 months.

The Ultimate Nursing School Admissions Checklist

Ready for nursing school but stressed about applying? We recommend downloading our free admissions checklist to learn the important ins and outs of applying to accelerated nursing school.

The ultimate nursing school admissions checklist